Smooth Paving

Asphalt Resurfacing in Chicago – What Are the Benefits?

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Asphalt Resurfacing in Chicago – What Are the Benefits? Asphalt surfaces are essential for various commercial and industrial spaces, including parking lots, industrial loading docks, and driveways. Over time, these surfaces deteriorate due to weather, traffic, and natural wear and tear. Constant repairs can only do so much before the pavement requires more extensive treatment. […]

Factors that Affect the Cost of Asphalt Parking Lot Paving

Building with an asphalt lot around it

Factors that Affect the Cost of Asphalt Parking Lot Paving The cost of asphalt parking lot paving can vary depending on several factors. Here are some of the most significant factors that can affect the cost of asphalt parking lot paving: 1. Size of the Parking Lot The size of the parking lot is one of […]

Benefits of Sealcoating

New asphalt in front of apartment

5 Benefits of sealcoating Sealcoating is an essential part of maintaining asphalt parking lots for many different reasons.  Key Sealcoating benefits 1) Protection against weathering: The sun, rain, and snow can all cause damage to asphalt surfaces over time. A sealcoat helps to protect the surface from these elements, extending the life of the parking […]

The Process of Paving an Asphalt Parking Lot

Process of paving an asphalt parking lot

The Process of Paving an Asphalt Parking Lot Paving an asphalt parking lot involves several steps that must be followed to ensure that the process is done correctly. Here is an overview of the asphalt parking lot paving process: 1. Site Preparation The first step in the asphalt parking lot paving process is site preparation. […]

Does Rain Hurt Sealcoating?

New asphalt in front of businesses

Does Rain hurt sealcoating? We’re often asked by residential and commercial owners alike if rain hurts sealcoating during the curing process or immediately after application. The answer is both yes and no. Normally, if it rains 24 hours before we apply the sealcoat, it should not affect anything. But it’s very important to apply the […]

How Often Should I Sealcoat My Parking Lot?

parking lot

How Often Should you Sealcoat Your Parking Lot? From churches, to small business owners, to large property management facilities, the one thing they all have in common is an asphalt parking lot. Proper maintenance of all-weather surfaces with sealcoating provides many benefits to these organizations and businesses: • Maintain the existing pavement in its present […]

What is Hot Asphalt Mix, and How is it Used?

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What is hot asphalt mix and how is it used Hot asphalt mix, also known as hot mix asphalt (HMA), is a type of asphalt mix that is produced by heating and drying aggregate, adding asphalt binder, and mixing everything together at high temperatures. It is commonly used for road construction, parking lots, and other […]

5 Tips to Keep Your property ADA Compliant

Accessible concrete ramp

5 Tips to Keep Your property ADA Compliant You will probably need a contractor well-versed in Americans With Disabilities Act rules to fully bring your parking lot and entrance routes into compliance. There are, however, several basic tips that can help you keep your property in compliance. 1. Ramp Location Matters Curb ramps are a […]

The Importance of Pavement Maintenance

The Importance of Pavement Maintenance Everyone understands how important asphalt maintenance is whether we’ve taken the time to think about it or not. Rough roads, unmarked parking lots, potholes, and the site of a parking lot in disrepair, are all reminders that unkept asphalt makes for an unpleasant experience. Whether by car, truck, bus or bike, people rely on […]