How does asphalt Milling work?
Asphalt milling, also known as cold planing, is a process of removing the top layer of asphalt from a surface to prepare it for resurfacing or repair. The process involves using a milling machine equipped with a rotating cutting drum that grinds and removes the asphalt. The resulting material can then be recycled and used in future paving projects.
Asphalt milling offers a cost-effective and environmentally-friendly solution for repairing and resurfacing roads, parking lots, and other asphalt surfaces. In this blog, we will explore what IS an asphalt milling machine, the benefits of asphalt milling, and the milling process.
What is an Asphalt Milling Machine, and How Does it Work?
An asphalt milling machine, also known as a cold planer, is a specialized heavy equipment used to remove old, damaged, or deteriorating asphalt pavement surfaces by grinding down the surface of the pavement. This process is commonly used to prepare the pavement surface for resurfacing or to remove damaged areas of pavement.
The asphalt milling machine is equipped with a rotating cutting drum that grinds and removes the existing pavement surface. The cutting drum is equipped with a series of cutting teeth that are mounted on the drum in a specific pattern. The teeth come in different sizes and shapes and are selected based on the type and condition of the pavement being removed.
As the milling machine moves forward, the cutting teeth grind down the surface of the pavement and collect the material in a conveyor belt attached to the machine. The conveyor belt transports the material to a truck or trailer for disposal or recycling.
Once the milling process is complete, the surface of the pavement is left with a rough texture. This surface is then cleaned and prepared for resurfacing, patching, or other types of repair work. There are many different types of surfaces that an asphalt milling machine can be used on:
- Asphalt pavement
- Concrete pavement
- Parking lots
- Driveways
- Runways
- Bridge decks
- Sidewalks
- Curbs
- Roadways
- Highways
What are the Benefits of Asphalt Milling?
In addition to its versatility, asphalt milling has a significant number of benefits! These benefits include:
- Cost savings: Asphalt milling is typically less expensive than complete pavement removal and replacement, making it a cost-effective solution for repairing and resurfacing roads, parking lots, and other asphalt surfaces.
- Recycling: The asphalt material that is removed during the milling process can be recycled and used in future paving projects, reducing the amount of waste sent to landfills.
- Improved surface drainage: By removing the top layer of pavement, asphalt milling can improve the surface drainage of a roadway or parking lot, helping to prevent standing water and reducing the risk of damage caused by freeze-thaw cycles.
- Increased safety: Milling can remove rutting, bumps, and other surface irregularities, creating a smoother and safer driving surface for vehicles.
- Better bonding surface: Milling creates a rougher surface texture that allows for better bonding of new asphalt pavement or other surface treatments.
- Faster construction: Milling can be completed more quickly than traditional pavement removal and replacement methods, allowing for faster project completion and less disruption to traffic flow.
Asphalt milling is a cost-effective and efficient method for removing damaged or deteriorating pavement surfaces. It allows for precise removal of only the damaged sections, leaving the surrounding pavement intact and reducing waste. Additionally, the recycled pavement material can be reused in other construction projects, further reducing waste and saving resources.
Contact the professionals at Smooth Paving to discuss your asphalt and concrete needs. Let us know how we can help you!